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California Consumer Privacy Act

If you would like to request the information we have collected about you, or request that your information be modified or deleted, please click the 'Contact Data Protection Officer' link below to contact our Data Protection Officer. To request that we do not sell your personal information, please click the "CCPA Do Not Sell" link below.

Contact Data Protection Officer CCPA Do Not Sell

Optimal Fusion Advertising Preferences

Choose Your Preferences

What are personalized ads?
Personalized ads, sometimes referred to as targeted or interest-based ads, are based on information about you, such as visits to websites where we provide ads or content, or data you have provided through optional survey's and market research. You can set your preference for ads personalized by Optimal Fusion below.

GDPR: Do you live in the EU & want to opt-out?

If you would like to request the information we have collected, or be removed from our database, please click the button below to contact our Data Protection Officer.

GDPR Opt Out Read our EU GDPR Privacy Policy Here

3rd Party Advertising Preferences

If you do not want to receive ads displayed by AdChoices based on your browsing, click the button below:

AdChoices Opt Out

If you do not want to receive ads displayed by OwnerIQ based on your browsing, click the button below:

OwnerIQ Opt Out